Monday, September 28, 2015

The Minimalist Wardrobe

I would like to share these interesting reads on why people chose to wear the same thing everyday!

Why I Wear the Exact Same Thing to Work Every Day

The Science Of Simplicity: Why Successful People Wear The Same Thing Every Day

I am very much interested in this because it really takes the stress out of putting outfits together day in day out.  But somehow it's not sensible for me to toss all my clothes right now and jump onto this. I however had started to purge my clothes and stuck to a very minimal pallet of blue (jeans), white, black, gray, and pink.  A few piece of other color here and there but not much and I like it!

I like the idea of picking up a top and bottom at random from my closet and it would just go perfectly together.  Which is why I paired down my clothes to the most basic style that I love and works well for me.  I am usually too lazy to take selfie of my outfits etc. so there's none to show for but for now at least you can poke at my brain by reading those articles! =)

Plus if you are into the Minimalist lifestyle but are not keen on the idea of an uniform then consider the a wardrobe capsule! I am definitely onto that right now! And I do believe in in... buy less choose well!

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