Saturday, September 19, 2015


I have been neglecting this blog since .... I can't remember and that's exactly how long it has been.

I an now re-inspired to write again and this time hopefully more often.

I don't now if it would be of interest for people to read, if it is ...GREAT... if not then at least it serves as writing practice, so it's a win-win for me!

Instead of the usual PINK AND BLINGS, COOKING, TRAVEL bits I think I will be writing a considerable amount on MINIMALISM.

I considered myself to be an amateur minimalist because I am only beginning to go into that direction.  I love the idea of minimalism (read more on this here  Minimalism-explained) and the lifestyle that comes along with it.  I will share my journey here.

Cheers to me for writing again!

Yours Truly

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